
Freedom of Movement
Breaking Balance
Close Quarter with the Cudgel
Striking Training

Stav Martial Arts – The Five Essential Aspects of Martial Training

Salisbury, Wiltshire – 10am to 4pm, Saturday 16th November 2024

At The 23rd Salisbury Scout Hut, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3JR, UK

Come and join us for a day of practical martial training. The course will be led by Graham Butcher, Stav teacher with 30 years experience and black belt in Lee Style Whu Shu. Please watch the video above in which Graham explains and demonstrates some of the principles we will be exploring. (You can watch it full screen once you have opened it).

Stav and the Five Essential Aspects of Martial training

There are five aspects of Martial Training:

  • Mott (the Physical Body), covering strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination
  • Megin (the Energetic Body), what the Chinese would call Chi, the vitality and energy flow in the body
  • Technique or Form, the system with which we learn to train comprising the drills, forms, and two person exercises with which a system is taught and passed on.
  • Experiential Practice, which may comprise sparring or practice such as pushing hands
  • Practical Application for self–defence and other real world purposes such as control and restraint, law enforcement, or close quarter combat in a military context.
  • The challenge of teaching, training, and practice in Martial Arts is to bring these five elements together in a manner which will be most beneficial to each practitioner while respecting the integrity of the art.

    This course is suitable for anyone who:

  • is already involved in Stav training
  • would like to begin Stav martial training as this day will provide a comprehensive introduction
  • are martial artists from any discipline who wish to broaden their understanding of the principles of Martial Arts and incorporate anything they find useful into their own training.
  • Training

    The day will consist of four sessions during which we will explore the five elements listed above.


    1000hrs Welcome, introductions, safety briefing and opening Runic Stances

    1010hrs Session 1 – in which we will look at cultivating a strong and healthy Mott and Megin through:

  • Appropriate forms of exercise, especially considering age, gender, build, and present state of health
  • The importance of lifestyle and particularly diet
  • The Runic stances for cultivating strength and well being in both Mott and Megin
  • Weapon practice, particularly the cudgel for strength and flexibility training
  • How all training will fulfil all five elements if you know what you are looking for
  • Takeaway: You will have a clearer idea of how to develop the programme which will work for you in the long term
  • 1130hrs Session 2 – in which we will work with training drills including:

  • Staff drills for two person training
  • Cudgel training for cultivating self–defence skills
  • Takeaway: It is important to simplify our training and work out which drills will bring you the most benefit
  • 1250hrs Lunch

    1320hrs Session 3 – simple ways of developing experiential and intuitive practices including:

  • Reading and managing distance
  • sensitivity training
  • The advantage of touch over vision
  • Manipulating the energetic web structure rather than attacking the physical body
  • AIM, working with the combination of Action, Intention, and Movement with weapons and unarmed, please see the video.
  • Takeaway: Strength and vitality is important, however, there is always someone stronger than you, so avoidance of using force to meet force could save your life.
  • 1440hrs Session 4 – Martial Arts in the Real World :

  • The Five Principles of Stav as guides on how to respond in specific circumstances
  • A very simple way of applying the five principles in training using just a simple wrist grip, before moving onto:
  • Five knife defence drills for working with the five principles
  • The value of practice and going beyond technique
  • Takeaway: In the real world there is no such thing as a 'fair fight', just situations which need to be resolved with the least possible harm done. The Five Principles gives us a structure with which to manage any conflict situation, mainly by enabling us to be realistic about our actual status and role in any given situation.
  • 1555hrs Closing stances and dismissal

    1600hrs Finish


    16th November – The 23rd Salisbury Scout Hut, 67 Stratford Road, Salisbury, SP1 3JR, UK

    Other Details:

    Please wear loose comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for indoor training. Training in bare feet is fine if that is what you prefer.

    There will be a short break for lunch, please bring your own food. Drinks will be provided. A note book and pen might be useful too.


    Ice and Fire Stav Members £25 Non members £35


    Please email Graham to ask for BACs details, or please use the Paypal form below.

    Please select member or non-member booking